“The Marshall Area Youth Baseball Association is dedicated to provide the skills necessary to be successful students and productive community members. MAYBA values participation and competition that build self-esteem through determination, focus, commitment, teamwork, honesty, loyalty and sportsmanship. It is MAYBA’s mission to develop life skills while building a tradition of respect for their program.”
Raffle Ticket Pick Up:
-Tickets can be picked up at the Raffle Fundraising Table in the lobby of the MHS Theater on MAYBA Information Night.
-If you cannot make it to information night. Please register your child for MAYBA baseball and you may have a friend pick up your tickets for you on information night.
-If you missed the top two items for pick up. We will have your tickets available for pickup at the designated tryout times (see calendar to the right). OR a MAYBA board member will reach out to you to get you your tickets.
Done Selling Tickets?
-You may drop off the ticket stubs at any MAYBA traveling tryout date/time listed on the MAYBA calendar. A MAYBA board member will be on site during those dates/times.
-Or any MAYBA board member (see tab on the top for "Board").
-Or send to:
PO Box 223
Marshall MN 56258
**Drawing will take place May 23rd at 5:30 at the Gambler**
1-$1,000 winner
1-$750 winner
2-$500 winners
5-$250 winners
10-$100 winners
8-9 Year Old's - can play in house baseball starting in early June, that runs through the end of July. (see handbook/parent guide for more information). There is no travelling baseball through MAYBA offered for this age group.
10-12 Year olds - can play in house baseball starting in early June, that runs through the end of July. (see handbook/parent guide for more information). Boys also have the option to play travelling baseball - must tryout to be on a team. 6 total tournaments.
13 Year Olds - can play in house baseball starting in early June, that runs through the end of July. (see handbook/parent guide for more information). Boys also have the option to play travelling baseball - must tryout to be on a team. 8 total tournaments as well as spring games.
14 Year Olds - Play travelling baseball - must tryout to be on a team. 8 total tournaments as well as spring games. Play in a southwest Minnesota league on Mondays/Thursdays during the summer. MSF State will wrap up the summer schedule at the end of July.
15U, Junior Legion, and Legion (high school aged kids): will have tryouts March 22nd in conjunction with high school tryouts. Coach Pollock will be sending out emails to high school aged kids regarding summer baseball.
**Any rained out or cancelled tournament will be dealt with on a situational basis. We cannot guarantee a tournament will be made up.
8's - Practice 9:00-10:00 Monday and Wednesdays. Games Tuesday and Thursday nights.
9's - Practice 10:00-11:00 Monday and Wednesdays. Games Tuesday and Thursday nights.
10's - Practice 9:00-10:30 Tuesday and Thursday. Games Monday and Wednesday nights.
11's - Practice 10:30-12:00 Tuesday and Thursday. Games Monday and Wednesday nights.
12's Practice 11:00-12:30 Monday and Wednesday. Games Tuesday or Thursday nights.
13's Practice 11:00-12:30 Monday and Wednesday. Games Tuesday or Thursday nights.
**See calendar for first practices.
Working Hours: Parents of 8 and 9 year olds will be expected to work the concession stand at Independence Park during in-house league game nights. Our Concessions Committee will assign shifts prior to the season. Please look for the schedule to be posted on the website. All parents are expected to work their scheduled hours or find a replacement to cover their scheduled time.
Parents of 10-13 year old non-traveling players are expected to work during the MSF 13AA State Tournament hosted by MAYBA July 18-20th, 2025 OR July 25th-27th, 2025.
Parents of 10-14 year old traveling players are expected to work during their respective home tournament (Parents of 13 year old traveling players will work both the home tournament and state tournament). Our home tournament dates are as follows:
12U: June 28th-29th
These working hours are a requirement of being involved in the MAYBA program. We typically try to keep the requirement to 5 hours maximum per player per season. For traveling players, the requirement may exceed 5 hours based on tournament size, location, weather issues, etc.
If you fail to work your required scheduled hours, you will be billed $50 by MAYBA (flat fee based on assumed 5 hour commitment x $10). You may choose to BUY your way out of working for $50…this should be done prior to the season.
We appreciate and thank you for all of your efforts in making our program a successful one. If you have any questions about working contact our President, Ryan Schlenner.
We've done our best to avoid winter activity schedules. If for some reason you cannot make it to your scheduled tryout date, come to any other age groups date/time.
Below is the link to the County Fair hitting facility. If someone with a key has signed up for a slot you may come to hit. 14 and under needs to be accompanied by an adult. Please make sure you have a waiver signed prior to using the facility.
Visiting Marshall? Check out the "Visit Marshall" webpage to learn more.
A reminder that all MAYBA players need their own helmets for the season. We recommend matte black helmets with the "M" as shown. The helmets and the "M" are available for purchase at Borch's.
A reminder that all MAYBA players need their own helmets for the season. We recommend matte black helmets with the "M" as shown. The "M" is available for purchase at Borch's.
Communication: Please download the “Stack Team App” and communication will be sent out through the Team/Club “MAYBA 2025 In house”. You can join the access group that your child is a part of (College League, American League, National League).
Click on the Handbook or Parent Guide to answer any questions.
PO Box 223
Marshall MN 56258